Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 And 1907 [microform] : Accompanied by Tables of S...
by International Peace Confere...
ISBN: 9781014668776
List Price: $20.95
The Project of a Permanent Court of International Justice and Resolutions of the Advisory Co...
by Scott, James Brown 1866-1943
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The Freedom of the Seas; Or, the Right Which Belongs to the Dutch to Take Part in the East I...
by Grotius, Hugo 1583-1645, Sc...
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An International Court of Justice [microform]: Letter and Memorandum of January 12, 1914, to...
by Scott, James Brown 1866-1943
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Resolutions of the Institute of International Law Dealing with the Law of Nations [microform...
by Scott, James Brown 1866-1943
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An Essay On a Congress of Nations for the Adjustment of International Disputes Without Resor...
by Ladd, William 1778-1841, Sc...
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The Spanish Conception of International Law and of Sanctions
by Scott, James Brown 1866-1943
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Instructions to the American Delegates to the Hague Peace Conferences and Their Official Rep...
by Scott, James Brown 1866-1943
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The Military and Colonial Policy of the United States;
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The Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907 [microform]: Accompanied by Tables o...
by Scott, James Brown 1866-1943
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